Singapore’s Best Public Speaking Coach

Hi, I’m Ernest Chen and I will be your coach, trainer, mentor and friend in aiding you walk out of your fear of public speaking and helping you find the speaking talent within you.

For numerous years, I have personally coached, mentored and talked to thousands of people in the area of public speaking and you may have guessed it, speaking in the public and teaching others how to excel in public speaking  is my passion.

And here are some of the achievements I have accomplished in the arena of public speaking:

* Founded the world’s first Mandarin Speaking Toastmasters Club,
* Was appointed the Chief Judge in various International Speech Contest,
* Am the founder and director of Asia Speakers Association,
* Was awarded the Distinguished Toastmaster Title in 1993,
* Founded 10 Toastmasters Clubs in Singapore,
* Author of a Best Seller Public Speaking Book, Earnestly Speaking

Now, don’t get me wrong. The reason why I listed out some of my achievements here is not to impress you, but to impress upon you my passion and drive in helping individuals like you seek out the talent within.

Too often, I’ve seen people with great potential only achieving a fraction of what they are really capable of – all because of their fear of public speaking.

My friend, don’t let fear become your stumbling block. Instead, turn it in your stepping stone, the platform and very reason for you to excel and achieve what you’re capable of and what you’re made to accomplish.

Come join me in my Singapore public speaking courses and let us polish and shine you into a public speaking gem you are truly meant to be…

About Ernest

Being a highly renowned international public speaking coach, speaker, entrepreneur and a community leader, Ernest Chen has coached, inspired and motivated thousands of people (and counting) in the area of public speaking in Singapore…

Not only is he a Distinguished Toastmaster, a title conferred to him in 1993, a certified trainer and speaker, Ernest is also a Certified Teacher of Entrepreneurship.

Helping out in the community is part of Ernest’s life. He has devoted almost thirty years to helping the needy and the underprivileged. Ernest is aware that he cannot do everything, but he can do something and he will certainly do all the things that he is able to do.

As an avid writer, Ernest is also a constant contributor of high quality articles on the topic of public speaking for local newspaper, Straits Times. He is also awarded the Platinum Expert Author title of, a title which only a small fraction of the thousands author ever obtain. Also, look out for more his though provoking articles at the Self Help section at

Author of 2 international best sellers
Rhetorically Speaking and Writing
and Earnestly Speaking

“The course has provided me a good start on how to make a good presentation and also to ease my fear and gain confidence when speaking to the public.”

Doris PekGeneral Manager Select Catering Services Ltd

“Your delivery of the program is easy to follow and understand, humourous and creative. By getting us involved we have a better understanding of the techniques that you have shared with us.”

Alan ChooKeppel Shipyard Singapore

“It was great learning from you during the 2- day Power Speaking Class. I am truly amazed  how you opened up the horizon  of public speaking to us. I believe that all of us had indeed benefited from training.”

Jerry TanCEO, Sophia Communication Pte Ltd
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